Her impact on the game cannot be denied, as she has consistently been one of the most picked heroes since her release. In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons why Tracer’s nerf was necessary, the power and impact of Tracer, and the community response to the change.Let’s dive into the world of Overwatch and see how it all unfolds.The power and impact of TracerTracer, the time-jumping hero of Overwatch, is known for her speed and agility.From her dual-wielding pistols to her ability to blink through space, Tracer is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Overwatch has a variety of dynamic characters, each adding their own flavor to the game.However, one character that stood out for her speed and impact was Tracer.With a blink ability that allowed her to outmaneuver almost any enemy, Tracer was a force to be reckoned with.Her impact on the game was so significant that Blizzard Entertainment had to make the difficult decision to nerf her.